Quarantine Survival Guide, Coach Kim Style
kim sauter
welcome to my online health and fitness community
I was thinking about the best way to maintain a connection with my friends, family and clients while getting through the coming days, weeks and hopefully not months and here it is. You can look for weekly updates from yours truly. If you are not part of my accountability group on Facebook and you are looking for a community to uplift and support you while we weather this storm please join by clicking here.
Let’s get down to business about what I have been doing to stay sane and moderately healthy during this crazy, seriously crazy time!
If you are anything like me you are not one to plan ahead, especially when it comes to food. This has been particularly difficult as we prepare for the worst but I am mostly sticking to green juice, salads with chicken and pesto for lunch and whatever the hell I want for dinner. #balance. It is important to allow ourselves indulgences so we don’t absolutely go bat shit cray.
P.S. I also roll my eyes when bloggers say “green juice”. You don’t have to make your own, just pick up some SUJA Cold Pressed Greens from your local Sam’s Club.
I am lucky enough to own a Peloton bike. I have to be honest I have only used their streaming service for spin classes but I hear amazing things about the other guided runs, walks, HIIT and yoga. You can get a free trial right now for 90 days. My username is KIMBER_. Give me a follow so I can follow back and we can track our progress together. I have also been walking outside when possible and streaming weighted pilates workouts from home. I highly, HIGHLY recommend the Melissa Wood Health method if you are looking to sculpt with low impact exercise. Her app is $9.99 per month and you can purchase on the app store. Let me know how you like it! In case you need a bomb playlist I will also be posting a new mix every week and have linked at the end of this post!
Nothing, I repeat nothing will ever stop us from having fun! If you know me well it is no secret that I love, LOVE Rummikub. You can pick it up at Target or Walmart. It is the best game ever, especially for two people. You know I stocked up on the essentials at my neighborhood liquor store before I was too scared to go. I always try to avoid drinking my calories (because i like to eat them, duh) and I really love a margarita or six but who is counting right now. This is my at home skinny version, it is my obsession and it is way better than Bethenney Frankels IMO. No offense. Also BIG B fan. Cheers squad!
Thank you for reading and for your messages of support this week in lieu of the announcement [solidcore] made about laying off employees. I will be expanding my online health and fitness community in the coming days and am excited for you to be part of it. You can always reach out to me by emailing here or by text! See you soon! XO