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Week 3, Quarantine Diaries

kim sauter

Not an actual photo of me but trying to manifest over here.

Not an actual photo of me but trying to manifest over here.

welcome to my online health and fitness community

WEEK THREE! How is everyone feeling? Not sure why I am including exclamation points. In the spirit of always keeping it real I am going to. I feel like SH*T. I am borderline depressed. I miss my friends, clients and my normal day to day routine. I am THIS close to finishing up all. of. Netflix. I am nostalgic for traveling and cocktail hours of days gone by. I called up one of my girlfriends the other day and said, “What I wouldn’t give to be enjoying a Broadway Babe Martini right now!”, if you know you know. Maybe it’s time to order a cocktail shaker.


Let’s chat about Tuesday’s at Tyler’s. I really don’t want to rub it in but upon tasting what I prepared the comments were 1: OMG 2. I don’t deserve to eat this meal. It really was that good. For those of you who joined us, thank you! I know many of you wanted to but couldn’t due to time issues, other commitments etc. I want to know, would a format of prep in the early afternoon so you can pop in the oven dinner time be better? That’s what I am thinking for next time. Give us your feedback and keep an eye out for more! Just going to tease you with the final moments of our last class.


I haved moved on from my Melissa Wood Health workouts. TBH they got boring and weren’t giving me that Tracy Andersonness that I was after. Before I became a coach at [solicore] I had been doing TA workouts at home for years, eight years. I didn’t have the time anymore with coaching but she does a live master class and uploads content weekly and nothing, not even [solidcore] made the changes to my body that her workout did. I do feel exercise should be about what makes you feel good and what works for you individually taking genetics and body type into account. As a former dancer TA workouts really click with my muscles and the range of motion just feels good. She is a little crazy and it’s hard to get used to but you get a free 14 day trail if you want to try! I will be doing these workouts with walking and spinning to try and stay sane and healthy through quarantine! Learn more about Tracy here!


I have been slacking on my masking but I did blow dry my hair yesterday and I felt like a brand new gal. That was fun! I am going stir crazy, I have set way too many flight alerts for airline tickets. If I can at least know there is something to look forward to on the other side of this I might get by. I have also organized all of my favorite amazon purchases into one amazing place for you. I will continue to update and I do not have an affiliate link so I get paid zero coins for endorsing. It’s fun peeking into other peoples pantry’s and cabinets, isn’t it? Happy Shopping!

For Your Listening Pleasure